Saturday 7 April 2012

2012 wishlist!

Okay, so it's April and I might be leaving this a bit late... But i've not bought anything i've been wanting for ages this year, and i'm more likely to buy them if its written down somewhere... So here's my list of things I want to get this year!

Okay, now can we all take a moment to feel sorry for the girl who is not yet the owner of EITHER of the naked palettes... that's right, not even the first one. So, my goal for this year, is to get them both. I've watched countless tutorials using them, and read countless reviews and looked at hundreds of swatches... It's about time I get to do my own blog post on one, even if it will be a bit late!

All you lucky people that live in the US have had the opportunity to buy these, sadly however, they aren't yet available in the UK
*crys a little at the thought*. When I asked someone that worked in Boots when they were going to stock them, they said it could be anytime up to 12 months... Sorry WHAT?! Look's like I might have to hunt them down on the internet somewhere...

Obviously not ALL of them, but I am completley in love with the China Glaze Hunger Games collection, probably not great to buy in summer as their more autumn colours... but their so friggin' pretty. And after months of lusting after it, I think a cheeky purchase of Something Blue by China Glaze is definetly around the corner...

Uh, yeah... may be a bit far fetched... But if anybody wants to buy me a Louis Vuitton handbag or a Macbook, by all means go for it, I won't complain.

Okay, this is completley justified. I need good quality make up brushes, mine are terrible, believe me, and with everyone suddenly raving about these, I really want to go out and get some of my own.... own and an EcoTools kabuki...

So keeping it short, that is the main things I want to buy this year, thought there would be more than this to be honest... Comment below what you want to get this year!


  1. Your blog is lovely :) great wishlist! x

  2. I love the look of the China Glaze Hunger Games Polishes! Not sure where you can get them in the UK though! xx

    1. Sally Salon Services stocks them! You can check their website for your nearest store!xo

  3. I love china glaze nail polishes too, they have nice colours and they last.

  4. Great wishlist! Btw, I have nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award! Have a look at my blog for the details :) x

    1. Thank you so much! I was just looking through comments there and feel so bad for completely forgetting to reply to this! It means a lot anyway! Thank you :)

  5. Really want that Naked palette.

    1. Yeah me too! Feel like i'm the only one without it!

  6. Hi shawty! I am Cecilia and i find your blog amazing! but I have a boredom. I joined Blogger for some time and I don’t have enough members! Can you please join my blog? I really need it and I promises to become member of your blog also thank you!


Thanks for commenting! Love reading them, and I promise I read every single one! xo