I saw this tag on The Beauty Of Louise's blog, and thought it would be a really fun thing to do, I love reading other peoples tag posts!
1.) Is your hair naturally curly or straight?
My hairs naturally wavy, but it needs tamed alot!
2.) What is your natural hair
Dirty Blonde, but it gets lighter in the summer, and darker in the winter.
3.) Do you dye it yourself or go to the
Dont dye my hair!
4.) How often do you wash your hair?
Everyday, sometimes I can get away with leaving it for a day, my hair gets pretty greasy over night sadly.
5.) Do you wear the same style or change
Change it every few weeks.
6.) Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a
Do it myself! Sometimes I go to a salon, but very rarely.
7.) How often do you change your nail
Once every 3-5 days, just when it chips really.
8.) Do you polish your nails in the winter too, or
just the summer?
All year round.
9.) How long does it take to put on your makeup?
20-30 minutes usually.
10.) What do you do first? Face or
11.) Do you 'collect' makeup or just buy what you
need when you need it?
Collect it to an extent.
12.) How often do you wear false
13.) Do you always do a full face of makeup
Pretty much, yeah, I enjoy the process of getting ready so I dont see it as a chore, more as a pleasure.
14.) Do you wear makeup when you're home alone (or
with family)?
Not when i'm home alone, but with family, yes.
15.) Will you leave the house without
I'll pop to the corner shop... But that's as far as i'd go.
16.) How many high end products do you
Not that many really, i'm starting to get more into brands like MAC and Urban Decay.
17.) How often do you clean your makeup
Not often enough...
18.) Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide
when you are getting dressed?
Usually plan!
19.) How often do you change your
I've had the same one for about 6 months now, I usually just wait till it breaks or I fall in love with another one.
20.) What time do you get up and go to
I get up for school at around 20 past 7ish, and i'm usually sleeping before midnight.
21.) How often and when do you workout?
I never workout... I really need to start though!
22.) Left-handed or Right-handed?
23.) How tall are you?
I'm really quite short...
24.) Do you speak a foreign language?
French is mandatory at my school for Standard Grade, but I'm pretty terrible at it!
25.) How many pets do you have?
Just a dog, but he's more my mums to be honest.
26.) How often are you on blogger?
Everyday, give or take a few.
27.) Do you read the comments posted on
Yep! Everyone!
28.) Do you keep a list of products to try as you
see other posts?
I keep a mental note!
29.) How did you come up with your blog
Not sure to be honest, it was just random off the top of my head I think!
30.) What kind of camera do you use for
Bleugh, my cameras broke at the moment, so I cant take pictures... But I'm getting an iPhone on the 6th of July, so hopefully i'll be able to use that!
31.) How often do you clean your house? (Daily,
weekly, other)
Daily, I hate having a messy room!
32.) What is your favourite colour?
Duck Egg Blue!
33.) What is your favourite beauty/fashion
I really like Glamour Magazine.
It's a really bad habit, but yes...
35.) What are you doing with the rest of the
Well it's half 10... So eating, watching Tv, then eventually sleeping... Got to love study leave!